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Sponsorship – Minas de Revuboè


Sponsorship guidelines

Geographical focus

For community support, we prioritise areas located in close proximity to our operations and key projects.

Priority areas for support

  • Locally organised events and activities with broad community appeal
  • Funding towards skills development and educational programmes
  • Funding towards environmental projects, sustainable development objectives, community education and conservation programmes
  • Health and wellbeing programes

Not supported

  • Advertising
  • Contributions or support for any political party, politician or political candidate
  • Religious organisations undertaking religious activities (humanitarian branches of religious organisations may be eligible)
  • Funding for organisations that are grant making or funding bodies (unless funding is tied to a particular preferable local project)
  • Wages and salaries

Applying organisations must demonstrate that they

  • Are reputable and have a positive track record and solid governance;
  • Share our values of Respect, Integrity, Action and Results;
  • Don’t engage in activities that would contravene our code of conduct;
  • Preference will be given to organisations and/or projects that:
    • Demonstrate how their initiative will provide sustainable benefits to local communities
    • Have other funding sources and will not be reliant on MdR for operational costs
    • Give a clear identification of how the money is to be spent
    • Lead the organisation, or communities being assisted, to become self-sustaining

Evaluation and audit

Where assistance has exceeded $1,000, MdR will require a post-project (or key point) report outlining how the investment contributed to the sustainable development of the community. Organisations may be asked to provide photos and a case study for the MdR Sustainability Report. A third party audit may be included as part of the case study development process.

Sponsorship application

  1. Name of the organisation applying
  2. Description of the organisation applying
  3. Sponsorship amount requested
  4. Explain the event/project/award requesting sponsorship
  5. Explain the sustainable benefits the event/project/award brings to the community
  6. Explain how the money we donate will be spent
  7. Is the event /project/award reliant on our contribution to take place?